CSS Interview Questions
π Basic
1. What is CSS and why is it used?
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is used to control the layout and presentation of web pages.
2. How do you apply CSS to an HTML document?
- Through inline styles, internal stylesheets, and external stylesheets.
3. What is the difference between class and ID selectors in CSS?
- Class selectors are reusable and prefixed with a period (
), while ID selectors are unique within a page and prefixed with a hash (`#`
4. What is the purpose of the `box-sizing`
- It defines how the width and height of an element are calculated, either including or excluding padding and borders.
5. Explain the concept of the CSS Box Model.
- The Box Model consists of content, padding, border, and margin.
6. What are pseudo-classes in CSS?
- Pseudo-classes are keywords added to selectors that specify a special state of the selected elements (e.g.,
7. How do you center a block element horizontally?
- By setting
`margin: 0 auto;`
on the element and ensuring it has a defined width.
8. What are inline styles and how do you use them?
- Inline styles are CSS declarations written directly in the
attribute of an HTML element.
9. How do you add comments in CSS?
- Comments in CSS are added using
`/* comment */`
10. What are the different types of CSS selectors?
- Type selectors, class selectors, ID selectors, attribute selectors, pseudo-class selectors, and pseudo-element selectors.
11. What is the difference between `margin`
and `padding`
is the space outside an element's border, while`padding`
is the space inside the border, around the content.
12. What is the `display`
property and what are some of its values?
- The
property specifies the display behavior of an element. Common values include`block`
, and`grid`
13. How do you link an external CSS file to an HTML document?
- Using the
element:`<link rel="stylesheet" href="styles.css">`
14. What is a CSS reset and why is it used?
- A CSS reset is used to remove default browser styling, ensuring consistency across different browsers.
15. What is the difference between `visibility: hidden`
and `display: none`
`visibility: hidden`
hides the element but it still takes up space in the layout.`display: none`
removes the element from the layout completely.
16. What is a CSS selector?
- A pattern used to select the elements you want to style.
17. How do you set the background color of an element?
- Using the
property:`background-color: #ffffff;`
18. What does the `:nth-child(n)`
selector do?
- It selects the nth child of its parent. The value of
can be a number, a keyword (like`odd`
), or a formula.
19. What is the use of the `!important`
declaration in CSS?
- It overrides any other styles, including inline styles, to apply the specified style.
20. How do you make a list horizontal?
- By setting the
property of the list items to`inline`
or using Flexbox.
21. What is the difference between `block`
and `inline`
elements take up the full width available and start on a new line, whereas`inline`
elements take up only as much width as necessary and do not start on a new line.
22. How do you style an element with multiple classes in CSS?
23. What are CSS preprocessors and name a few commonly used ones?
- CSS preprocessors extend CSS with variables, nested rules, and functions. Common examples include Sass, Less, and Stylus.
24. Explain the difference between `absolute`
, `relative`
, `fixed`
, and `sticky`
: Positioned relative to its normal position.`absolute`
: Positioned relative to the nearest positioned ancestor.`fixed`
: Positioned relative to the viewport.`sticky`
: Toggles between`relative`
based on the scroll position.
25. What is the `z-index`
property and how does it work?
controls the stacking order of elements. Higher values are placed in front of lower values.
26. What are CSS Grid and Flexbox? Compare them.
- CSS Grid is a layout system for creating two-dimensional grid-based layouts, whereas Flexbox is a one-dimensional layout system. Grid is better for complex layouts, while Flexbox is optimal for simpler and single-direction layouts.
27. How can you create a responsive web design using CSS?
- By using media queries, flexible grid layouts, and responsive units like percentages,
, and`vh`
28. What are CSS animations and transitions? Describe the `@keyframes`
rule and how it is used in CSS animations.
Transitions allow changes in CSS property values to occur smoothly over a specified duration, while animations allow more complex and keyframe-based state changes.
rule defines the keyframes for an animation. It specifies the style changes at various points in the animation sequence. Example:@keyframes slide { from { transform: translateX(0); } to { transform: translateX(100px); } }
29. What is the `float`
property used for, and what are its possible values?
- The
property is used to position an element to the left or right of its container, with possible values`left`
, and`inherit`
30. Explain the concept of CSS Sprites and their benefits.
- CSS Sprites combine multiple images into a single image file to reduce the number of HTTP requests and improve page load performance.
31. What are pseudo-elements in CSS and provide examples?
- Pseudo-elements are used to style specified parts of an element, such as
, and`::first-line`
32. How do you create a responsive image gallery using CSS Grid?
- By defining a grid container with responsive column and row definitions, and using media queries to adjust the layout for different screen sizes.
33. What are media queries and how do they work?
- Media queries are used to apply different styles based on the characteristics of the device, such as width, height, and orientation. Syntax:
`@media (max-width: 600px) { /* styles */ }`
34. What is the `flex`
property in Flexbox and how do you use it?
- The
property is a shorthand for`flex-grow`
, and`flex-basis`
, used to define the flexible item's ability to grow, shrink, and the initial size.
35. What are CSS transitions and how do you create them?
- CSS transitions allow you to change property values smoothly over a given duration. Example:
.box { transition: background-color 0.5s ease; } .box:hover { background-color: blue; }
36. What are the differences between `inline-block`
and `inline`
elements are like`inline`
elements but allow setting width and height.
37. How do you create a CSS triangle?
- By using the
property on an element with zero width and height. Example:.triangle { width: 0; height: 0; border-left: 50px solid transparent; border-right: 50px solid transparent; border-bottom: 100px solid red; }
38. Explain the CSS `clip-path`
- The
property allows you to clip an element to a basic shape or to an SVG source.
39. What is the `object-fit`
property and when would you use it?
- The
property specifies how an`<img>`
should be resized to fit its container. Common values are`fill`
, and`scale-down`
40. What are CSS functions like `calc()`
, `min()`
, `max()`
, and `clamp()`
, and how do they work?
- These CSS functions perform dynamic calculations and allow for more responsive and adaptable layouts.
: Calculates values, e.g.,`width: calc(100% - 50px);`
: Takes the minimum value, e.g.,`width: min(100%, 600px);`
: Takes the maximum value, e.g.,`width: max(300px, 50%);`
: Constrains a value between an upper and lower limit, e.g.,`font-size: clamp(1rem, 2vw, 2rem);`
41. How do you use the `::before`
and `::after`
- These pseudo-elements are used to insert content before or after an element's content. Example:
.element::before { content: 'Prefix'; } .element::after { content: 'Suffix'; }
42. What is the `filter`
property in CSS?
- The
property applies graphical effects like blur or color shift to an element. Example:`filter: blur(5px);`
43. Explain the concept of specificity and how it affects CSS rules.
- Specificity determines which CSS rule is applied when multiple rules match the same element. It is calculated based on the number of type selectors, class selectors, and ID selectors.
44. Describe the concept of CSS Variables and how they are used.
- CSS Variables (or Custom Properties) allow you to store values in a reusable manner using the
syntax. They are defined within a scope and accessed using the`var()`
45. Explain the concept of a CSS Grid template and its key properties.
- A CSS Grid template defines the structure of a grid container, using properties like
, and`grid-gap`
46. Explain the concept of responsive typography and how you achieve it in CSS.
- Responsive typography ensures that font sizes adapt to different screen sizes. This can be achieved using relative units like
, or viewport-based units like`vw`
π Expert
47. What is the `contain`
property in CSS and how is it used?
- The
property allows you to limit the scope of the browser's styling, layout, and paint work to a specific element and its contents.
48. How do you optimize CSS for better performance?
- By minimizing CSS, reducing the number of HTTP requests, using shorthand properties, and avoiding complex selectors.
49. What are CSS Modules and how do they help in styling?
- CSS Modules are a CSS file in which all class and animation names are scoped locally by default. They help avoid global scope issues and improve maintainability.
50. How can you create a custom CSS grid framework?
- By defining a flexible grid container using CSS Grid or Flexbox properties and creating reusable classes for rows, columns, and breakpoints.
51. How do you create complex layouts using CSS Grid and Flexbox together?
- By using CSS Grid to define the overall layout structure and Flexbox to manage the internal layout of individual grid items.
52. What are CSS Houdini APIs and why are they important?
- CSS Houdini APIs are a set of low-level APIs that allow developers to extend CSS by creating their own custom styles and layouts. They provide greater control over the rendering process.
53. What is the `will-change`
property and how does it improve performance?
- The
property informs the browser about which properties are expected to change, allowing it to optimize rendering in advance. Example:`will-change: transform;`
54. What are CSS Subgrid and how does it work?
- Subgrid allows grid items to inherit and share the parent gridβs definitions. It enables consistent alignment within nested grid structures.
55. How do you create a custom scrollbar using CSS?
- By styling the pseudo-elements
, etc.:::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 12px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #888; border-radius: 6px; } ::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: #555; }